Flock 2.0正式版发布-Sociz 日志

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Flock 2.0正式版发布

Wed, 15 Oct 2008 22:10:38 +0800

新版主要添加了一些流行社会化服务的支持,并基于Firefox 3构建,相比旧版的 Flock 更快、更安全、更稳定,目前仅有英文版,中文版预计下周发布。详见发行说明——发行说明需要翻译,有实力者请点击此处贡献你们的力量:

Flock 2.0 Release Notes

Flock 2.0 delivers a more personal experience of the web, where its users are in control and more connected to what’s important to them. By automatically managing updates and media from popular social services such as MySpace, Facebook, Digg, Flickr, AOL Webmail, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, YouTube, Pownce and Twitter, Flock makes sharing with friends and services drag-and-drop easy.

New Features in 2.0

  • Flock 2.0 is based on the Firefox 3 technology, providing a faster, safer, and more stable web surfing experience.
  • MySpace has been integrated as a people service.
  • Revver has been added as Media Bar search service.
  • Flock can now detect Media RSS streams, load them in the Media Bar, and subscribe to them.

Known Issues

Migration and Compatibility issues

  • Installing Flock 2.0 over an older version of Flock - Most of your items from old flock will be available. However, there are some cases where your settings will not migrate to Flock 2.0:
  • Favorites – Depending on which version of Flock you have installed, you may notice missing favorites (also called bookmarks). The way favorites are stored has changed, and you need to follow some simple steps to migrate your favorites from older versions of Flock.http://flock.com/faq/show/67#q_64025
  • Gloss and Eco users – both of these editions have custom themes that are not compatible with Flock 2.0. Try out other themes we have available at extensions.flock.com, and watch for updated Eco and Gloss themes coming soon =).
  • Mozilla Extensions - Users installing extensions from addons.mozilla.org or extensions.flock.com may see incompatibility notices in cases where the extension creator has not yet updated the extension to work in Flock. Also note that installing any third party extension could affect Flock's features or performance.
  • Google Toolbar - Mac users who install the Google Toolbar in Flock and attempt to Customize Flock’s toolbars will not be able to close the customize dialog. Temporarily disable the Google Toolbar to make modifications.
  • Mac Tiger Users – some users may encounter "sticky" media bar image previews when hovering over a Media Bar item. Move the mouse on top of the stuck image to make it go away.
  • Flash – Flock has included some tutorials in the Help menu. Users will need to have the Adobe Flash plug-in installed to view these tutorials.
  • Linux – some users importing home pages from Firefox in Linux may not get their homepage.
  • Shortcut keys – Some Mac and Vista users may experience shortcut key malfunction.
  • Live Search - Users who migrate from older versions of Flock may have some disabled Live Search results from Google and TV Search

Favorite Issues

  • Users may be missing bookmarks from a previous version of Flock. Your bookmarks are not lost, they are just incompatible with Flock 2.0. See http://flock.com/faq/show/67#q_64025
  • File > Import from Firefox does not import the bookmark annotations, descriptions or icons.
  • Importing Livemarks from Firefox 3 using “File > Import” will have duplicate, non-functioning Livemarks. Delete these, and add the RSS feed using Flock instead.
  • After subscribing to a Livemark, attempts to ’subscribe’ to a feed from the favorites menu will not work until the page is refreshed.
  • Republishing a private favorite as public on Delicious may not work in some cases.
  • Publishing favorites online on Ma.gnolia will always publish them as private in this release.

People Issues

  • Digg friend activities in Myworld are duplicated after each browser restart.
  • The friend comments notification in Digg's me card may display a different number of comments than what exists on the Digg comments page.
  • Digg users may notice descrepencies between dates of dugg articles in the Media Bar, Myworld, and People sidebar.
  • Pownce and Twitter do not allow you to set an empty status. Attempts to clear your status from the People Sidebar will display an error.
  • People sidebar loads with new flickr account only after clicking on the configured Flickr account in the Accounts and Services sidebar

Sharing Issues

  • You can choose to share Flock chrome URLs to other users who will not see the same thing if they are not using Flock. One example of a chrome URL is about:tutorial.
  • Drag and drop to friends you follow in Twitter and Digg (but who have not mutually friended you), will not land any content, since you are not permitted to send messages to people who have not friended you.
  • Drag and drop from the Web Clipboard to Yahoo plain text editors will not land the correct content.
  • Drag and drop of some links to the Pownce Post It button may cut the link short.
  • Users that Drag and Drop images from the Web Clipboard to the Webmail icon will land a picture rather than a URL.
  • The Pownce ‘Share Link’ action in friend cards does not function in this release. Simply drag and drop URLs on to your Pownce friends instead.
  • In some rare cases, YouTube notifications for a friend’s new media may not light. Logging out and back in again will remedy this.
  • Drag and drop from a web page into the “Post Comment” link in the MeCard for MySpace does not work in this release.

Accounts and Services Issues

  • Users who disable all cookies may be unable to login to Flock’s supported services.
  • When new Picasa users sign up, the media bar will not operate until you opt into the terms of service.
  • Those users logged into YouTube with their Google account, and then navigate to other Google services will see a Logout notification. To active the Google service (Gmail, Picasa, Blogger), click logout, then login to the service with your Google credentials.
  • Users of Twitter may see a repeating logout notification. Go to the Accounts and Services sidebar, and choose to Forget the Twitter account to logout.
  • The Ma.gnolia online favorites service will not function properly if users log into Ma.gnolia using other accounts (such as OpenID or Facebook). Login using the Ma.gnolia account option to correct this.
  • Clicking on the Gmail “Log In” link in the Accounts & Services sidebar will actually log the current user back in.

Blogging Issues

  • Typepad users blogging from Flock will not be able to publish categories.
  • If you have customized your Blog Editor in an older version of Flock, your settings my not migrate into Flock 2.0.
  • Attemps to replace a Blogsome blog post with the Blog Editor will fail.

Webmail Issues

  • Users who set the ‘auto loggoff’ setting in AOL mail may periodically see an error message when using the webmail flyout.
  • Gmail’s basic HTML view is not supported the same way as standard Gmail in Flock.
  • When logging out of a webmail service with a glowing icon, the icon will remain non-glowing after logging back in. The icon will glow again once new mail comes in.

Photo and Media Issues

  • Users may notice issues when tagging Facebook photos in the uploader.
  • Photobucket users setting photos or albums to private may not be able to find them using the media bar.
  • A favorited media stream will still display the media in myworld even if all media on that account is deleted.
  • Image protection in Flickr may inhibit some drag and drop sharing actions.
  • Piczo album selection in the photo uploader may prompt with an invalid album, causing the upload operation to fail.
  • Piczo login from clean profile: Initially the mediabar will not be able to find any images, you must refresh the mediabar and subsequent loads will work. This also affects uploading immediately, you must refresh the mediabar and get images back before you click on the upload tool.
  • Piczo create album may be broken, there is a server-side fix in the works.
  • There are some issues with the data available from Revver that may cause the Media Bar to return no results for Revver.
  • Favorited YouTube media streams frequently report new items when there are none
  • Private Flickr photos do not have an icon indicating they are private in the Media Bar.
  • Drag and dropping Truveo videos from the Media Bar drops a very large link. In some cases, this long link will be cutoff depending on where you drop your content to.
  • Deleting and retyping tags in the uploader can cause the field to shift positions
  • When batch uploading two different batches, the uploader will wrongfully show that it will apply the first batches tag
  • Rearranging the order of photos in the Photo Uploader may order them incorrectly.
  • Users with queued photos into the Uploader who migrate from Flock 1.x to Flock 2.0 will have to re-add their photos.

