Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

PowerPoint 2010 review and overview

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 03:47 AM PDT

Since the release of the Office 2010's technical preview 2 months ago, I have been using it for quite a while.  PowerPoint is one of those Office programs that I wasn't really able to replace with an alternative software.  It just keeps on evolving and always has something new to offer in every release.

Let me start by comparing the main menu from the 2007 version.  The 2010 Ribbon interface has a separate menu for Transitions:


With this, it is easier to add transition effects to a slide .  You may choose from several types of effects like cut, split and fade.  You may also add sound effects and edit timing properties.


The animation menu is also improved as it now has user friendly "thumbnail" type of style choices.  Just by looking at each choice, you would know what the effect will do when you apply it on a picture or text.


Perhaps the best feature it has so far on this early technical preview is its capability to export to a high definition WMV video.  This is great for presenting using HDTV displays on market encounters or events.  This feature is accessible using the new "Backstage" button then choose Share > Create Video.


I hope to see more features added as the release date comes closer.  I'm sure there will be a lot of inputs from testers and evaluators of the Technical Preview. 

For users who have been using a version older than 2007, this could be a necessary upgrade if you are into rich media content. If you are just creating simple presentations and you don't need the new features, you might want to skip this release.

See the official Microsoft Office 2010 website here:

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Aseem Kishore (digitalfingerprint: a59a56dce36427d83e23b501579944fcakmk1980 ( )

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PowerPoint 2010 review and overview