|  |  | |  |  | Newsletter | 29.11.2008, 17:15 UTC |  |  | Newsline |  |  | World news: international |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | News |  |  |  |  | Current Article |  |  |  | Pakistani FM says country is not on the defensive over Mumbai attacks. Following attacks on the Indian city of Mumbai, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has promised a firm commitment from his country in fighting regional terrorism. Qureshi went on to offer full cooperation of the country's security services. Referring to earlier comments made by India's foreign ministry linking the Mumbai attackers to elements in Pakistan, Qureshi said there was no evidence to suggest his country's involvement. Earlier Pakistan withdrew a pledge to send its top intelligence chief to India to help with the investigation into the attacks. A lesser ranked ISI official is to go in his place. |  |  | Indian police regain control of Mumbai following militant attacks. Meanwhile Police in India have established control over the Taj Mahal hotel, ending a three day battle with militants across the city. The last three militants were killed, along with one commando, in the final effort to retake the building on Saturday. Earlier, Indian commandos overcame militants in another luxury hotel, the Trident-Oberoi, and a Jewish cultural centre. Indian officials say the casualties from the attacks stand at 195 people confirmed killed, including 18 foreigners, and 295 injured. Indian authorities believe the attackers entered the busy port city in small boats. There are conflicting accounts of the number of assailants involved in the attacks, but at least one is being held in police custody. |  |  | Riot police flee airport protestors. Thai riot police have fled their checkpoint near Bangkok's international airport after being attacked by anti-government protesters occupying the main terminal. Earlier the airport director announced the airport would remain closed until at least Monday evening as the protestors showed no signs of dispersing. Police commanders on the ground have said they are not yet ready to evict the Peoples Alliance for Democracy supporters by force, despite authorisation from Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat. The PAD is demanding that Somchai and his government resign, accusing it of being a puppet administration for former Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra. |  |  | UN compound bombed in Iraq In Iraq, Baghdad's fortified Green Zone has come under rocket attack. The United Nations mission to Iraq said two foreigners were killed and 15 injured when a rocket landed near the UN compound. It added that the victims worked for a catering company contracted by the UN mission. The UN presence in Iraq was dramatically scaled back after the organisation's Baghdad headquarters was bombed in 2003. |  |  | NATO: senior Taliban militant killed in Afghanistan Coalition forces in Afghanistan say NATO and Afghan troops have killed scores of Taliban militants in multiple clashes. In one incident, coalition forces claimed to have killed the Taliban commander of Ghazni province, who was disguised in female clothing during a raid on a house on Friday. The man, identified as Haji Yakub, is considered responsible for directing suicide attacks and roadside bombings in the region. Three other militants were reportedly killed in the operation. |  |  | OPEC meeting ends without further crude output cuts. OPEC producers have ended Saturday's meeting in Cairo without announcing further cuts to crude oil output. Members of the Organisation of Petroleum exporting countries agreed to take further action at a December meeting in Algeria. The decision comes as oil prices have reached near three-year lows, sparking alarm among the cartel's members about plunging oil revenues which have so far led to losses of billions of US dollars for OPEC members. Global demand for oil has continued to drop following the global economic crisis. |  |  | Ackermann wins first world cup event of the Nordic Combined. Germany's Ronny Ackermann has won the first world cup event of the Nordic Combined Season, an event which combines cross-country skiing and ski jumping. 31-year-old Ackermann finished ahead of his two Finnish rivals after a jump and a 10 kilometer cross-country leg. This will be Ackermann's 28th world cup win. |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  | Up-to-date news at DW-WORLD.DE |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Note To unsubscribe to this newsletter, please click here. If you have any questions or comments, please send us an email: online@dw-world.de For more information, please click here. |  |  |  |  | © 2008 DEUTSCHE WELLE | > Contact | | |  |