Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

How to Write a Resume the Easy Way With JobSpice

Posted: 18 Feb 2010 03:13 AM PST

Microsoft Word resume templates not suiting your needs? JobSpice is a cool website that allows you to create a resume simply and easily.

JobSpice’s easy to use forms allow you to quickly fill out all of your information. From there, the resume builder pieces together a brand spanking new resume. Here is how you use JobSpice.


Fill out your Contact Info

The first page that you are presented with is the Contact Info section. Type your name into the first text box, and click the green plus signs to navigate to a new field. Fill out your name, address, phone number, and email address. You can also click the green plus signs again if you want to add a second listing for each field.

contact information

Adding a New Section

Click the Add new section button located in the left hand side Sections menu. A popup box will appear, allowing you to choose what type of section you want to add.

You can add: contact info, objective, education, coursework, experience, achievements, affiliations, skills, publications, or create your own custom section. Choose one of your liking by clicking the green plus sign.


Reordering Sections

By default, when you click Add new section, JobSpice adds the new section directly below the last one. However, you may want to reorder them to make your resume look more professional. To reorder, click the blue + arrows and drag them to a new position on the resume.

reorder resume

Deleting Sections

If you add a section, and later decide that your resume would be better without it, you have the option of deleting it. To do so, click the blue + arrow next to the title of the section you want to delete and drag it to the Trash bin.

delete list item

Previewing Your Resume

At any time, you can preview your resume to see how it will look, should you decide to mail it to someone or print it. To do so, simply click the preview button located on the top toolbar of the JobSpice window.

You will also notice, that there are a variety of different styles that you can choose from. Click a style name from the Recent Styles list to apply it to your resume.

style and preview

Exporting Your Resume For Use

After you have everything ready to go, you should export and save your resume for use. Click the PDF button. A pop up box will appear, with a prompt that says Click Here to Save Your Resume. Save your resume to your computer.

resume pdf

You must have Adobe reader installed to open PDF files. You can get that for free here.

pdf finished resume

Note: You also have the option of exporting your resume in other formats. However, you need to register to do that. To register, simply click the Sign Up link located in the upper right hand side of the screen.

sign up


JobSpice is actually a pretty decent resume builder. If anything, it will save you a lot of time in creating your resume because all you have to do is fill in your info.

Also, the types of resumes that it generates are professional looking and very general, which is good. JobSpice also allows you to rearrange resume fields much more efficiently than Microsoft Word templates.

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Online Tech Tips.
Aseem Kishore (digitalfingerprint: a59a56dce36427d83e23b501579944fcakmk1980 ( )

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How to Write a Resume the Easy Way With JobSpice