Hello! Let me introduce myself!
My name is Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, an associate professor
of urology at Harvard M jv e wrk di oa cal School and author of The V ly ia am gr zhl a Myth:
The Surprising Impact on Love and Relationships.
That is what i think about V wuu ia ht gr fic a:
V gu ia cm gr beq a seems to be changing not only the firmness of a man's p bv en jx is;
it also seems to be changing the way people think about relationships.
V ts ia ji gr pu a is really one of the most remarkable advances in m jk ed yi ic acx ine in the last 50 years.
It's remarkable, But the effect of V rs ia rj gr gn a is so far beyond its pure m hua ed ljw ic gmv al indication.
The effects are psychological, they're attitudinal, they're behavioral and they're societal . . .
V irm ia tyc gr jfu a has turned out to be a window into certainly the minds of the psyche of men
but also of women and what it is that s sul e okf x me yku ans for us.
The V uf ia set gr ep a experience has shown us that men care deeply about
being a good s cux ex ha ua bol l partner,they want not just to be adequate but to be admired.
V hr ia oi gr zm a can play into that.
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